Page name: my protected [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-10-27 17:06:26
Last author: Rook.
Owner: Rook.
# of watchers: 8
Fans: 0
D20: 14
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Friends only may take this. Once they have, they are my Protected. If you mess with them, you will not like what will come…

My Protected.

1) [PnkShpGnWld]
2) [Diede.]
3) [mortensen]
4) [Eyonic]
5) [tia mia]
6) [Goma]
7) [Frost-:-Wing]
8) [Give Me Red]

If you are my friend, DON’T ASK TO TAKE IT! Just take it, and put your name above, so I know whom to protect.

the links for the differnt ones:

Alright, my little Dears. Talk and enjoy yourself here. 'Tis a safe place...


Help bunny make friends!!

Bunny has three first friends...

(')_(') [PnkShpGnWld]

(')_(') [Diede.]

(')_(') [mortensen]

Username (or number or email):


2008-10-08 [Goma]: hello xD how is everyone?

2008-10-08 [Rook.]: We’re great!!! A little dead, apparently, but great!!! How ish Goma???

2008-10-08 [Goma]: good, just happy to be done with all of this moving crap >.>

2008-10-08 [tia mia]: im dead now?? since when?

2008-10-08 [Rook.]: idk... lol since now, i guess

2008-10-08 [Goma]: ...Zombies?....ZOMBIES!!!!*cocks shot gun*

2008-10-08 [Rook.]: nooo!!!! *hides*

2008-10-08 [Goma]: too much resident evil >.< as long as you don't start screaming spanish at me I won't shoot.

2008-10-08 [Rook.]: NONONONO!!! yo no hablo espaniol!!!

2008-10-08 [Goma]: O_O' I'm tempted...*points shotgun*

2008-10-08 [Rook.]: *backs up, then dives for the gun* what about the highschool rp?? aren't wwe doign that anymore??? *sneaks off to the side*

2008-10-08 [Goma]: Guacs been wanting to bring it back since you are back it just hasn't happened yet... I should draw a (I protect this person)thing xD

2008-10-08 [Rook.]: YEAH!! then send it to me!!! yeah, well, rp on it right now, adn I'll rp back :P

2008-10-08 [Goma]: I need to get my scanner up >.<

2008-10-08 [Rook.]: okach

2008-10-08 [Goma]: I dunno what I'm gonna draw though I was thinking about maybe my two characters Kuro and Goma doing something to seem intimidating but hmmmm....*scratches chin*

2008-10-08 [Rook.]: maybe someoen doing something intimidating and sluightly awkward :P

2008-10-08 [Goma]: Kuro is always awkward xD

2008-10-08 [Rook.]: rofl true true

2008-10-08 [Goma]: I'll think about it =D

2008-10-08 [Rook.]: rofreakinfl

2008-10-08 [Goma]: ...?*is confuzzled*

2008-10-08 [Rook.]: im laughing so freakin hard :P

2008-10-08 [Goma]: Oh really? ^_^

2008-10-08 [Rook.]: yeah lol

2008-10-08 [Goma]: *raises eyebrow* I need to get a lot of members so that my Harem is like insane xD

2008-10-08 [Rook.]: lol. I'll lace it up on my page and tell a few people to join :P

2008-10-08 [Goma]: lol xD I love to mess around like this it always ends up fun I'm gonna get Guac to come hang out too =D

2008-10-08 [Rook.]: yay...wait... hang out where???

2008-10-08 [Goma]: where ever xD I'll probably drag him to the Harem and make him join just to get things to be awkward =D

2008-10-08 [Rook.]: rofl poor Guac

2008-10-08 [Goma]: xD I get whats coming to me for doing this crap to him eventualy anyway so he's not that bad off xD

2008-10-08 [Rook.]: hahaha :P

2008-10-08 [Goma]: It's true he always gets payback

2008-10-08 [Rook.]: lol

2008-10-08 [Goma]: mainly coming in and making a fool out of me on random wiki's xD

2008-10-08 [Rook.]: lol

2008-10-08 [Goma]: is it really that funny >.<

2008-10-09 [Rook.]: no, not really

2008-11-24 [crazy Dave]: mmmmmmmmmm otay

2008-11-24 [Rook.]: ^^ hello there, Dear.

2008-11-24 [crazy Dave]: going off the rails(crazy trail)

2008-11-24 [Rook.]: oh? how so?

2008-11-24 [crazy Dave]: ozzzzy lol

2008-11-24 [Rook.]: ozzy? what is that?

2008-11-24 [crazy Dave]: ozzzy osborne silly

2008-11-24 [Rook.]: Never heard of him.

2008-11-24 [crazy Dave]: jack kelly osborne??

2008-11-24 [Rook.]: nope

2008-11-24 [crazy Dave]: bless be

2008-11-24 [Rook.]: ???

2008-11-24 [crazy Dave]: merry part  bless be its a wiccan gretting

2008-11-24 [Rook.]: i remember now...

2008-11-25 [crazy Dave]: merry meet melady

2008-11-25 [Rook.]: Merry meet, Dave.

2008-11-28 [tia mia]: tia meet lexi lexi tia mice to meet u lexi im tia

2008-11-28 [Eyonic]: .....<img:stuff/m-jpg.gif>

2008-11-29 [tia mia]: i believe i was on coffee at that time

2008-11-29 [Eyonic]: oh okay lol. coffee nasty <img:stuff/daN-gif.gif>

2008-11-29 [tia mia]: ur nasty lol

2008-11-29 [Eyonic]: lol I dont like chocolate either ^.^

2008-11-29 [tia mia]: nasty and idiotic dear

2008-11-29 [Eyonic]: lol I cant help it! tho i guess snickers are okay, but otherwise...ewwwwwwww!!!!

2008-12-01 [Frost-:-Wing]: Eyo no like chocolate?! *gasp*

2008-12-01 [Eyonic]: nope, never did like it. it even smells bad to me

2008-12-02 [Frost-:-Wing]: *shakes head* Each to his own I assume...*shakes head more*

2008-12-02 [Rook.]: TIA!!!!! *tackles* you changed your name.....

2008-12-03 [tia mia]: dang right i did... it about time lol

2008-12-03 [Rook.]: lol

2008-12-06 [crazy Dave]: otay

2008-12-08 [Rook.]: Dave!!!! :D

2008-12-08 [crazy Dave]: yea

2008-12-08 [Rook.]: Nice to see you, Dearest.

2008-12-08 [crazy Dave]: nice to see you babe

2008-12-08 [Rook.]: ^.^=

2008-12-09 [tia mia]: babe? OOOOH shame on youuuuu so shadyyyyyyyy lexi.... dear.... would you like me to take im out? cause i will... happily lol jk jk

2008-12-10 [Eyonic]: tehehehe, and I'll bite him if you unhook my leash <img:61691_1126352591.gif>

2008-12-10 [Rook.]: lol no, Eyo, you stay on your leash, adn Tia...sTAY STILL. its fine ^^

2008-12-10 [tia mia]: -pouts at poe, then realising that shes not gunna give in wips her head around and growls at the babe caller then walka away-

2008-12-10 [Rook.]: Dave is a nice guy ^^ I luvers him lotz. BE NICE!!!! *huggles [crazy Dave]* he's a nice guy, you should get to know him.

2008-12-10 [tia mia]: -taps foot- i will not get to know him

2008-12-10 [Rook.]: thats right, you alraedy know him.

2008-12-10 [Eyonic]: *makes a puppy face and pouts* awww I don't get to play?

2008-12-10 [Rook.]: oh. you do!! just be careful :P

2008-12-10 [tia mia]: OH so she gets to bite im but i dont get to take him out? i see who the favorite is

2008-12-10 [Rook.]: lol ^^ whatever >.< I'm not incontrol anymore it seems.

2008-12-10 [tia mia]: really... so i can beat him up?

2008-12-10 [Frost-:-Wing]: I'M IN CONTROL!! MWUHAHAH *puts mind control hats on everyone and presses red button* Now you my petz. :]

2008-12-10 [tia mia]: slaps the one who thinks hes in control

ur not in control

i am

i always am

2008-12-10 [Frost-:-Wing]: You blubberhead! I am in control!!! *presses red button again and again trying to make you listen* >< No sleppeh me!!!

2008-12-10 [tia mia]: LEXI HE CALLED ME a NAME -goes and crys on lexis sholder-

2008-12-10 [Frost-:-Wing]: hahaha ^^

2008-12-10 [Rook.]: *slaps Pete* BE NICE.


2008-12-10 [tia mia]: UH AH i am

2008-12-10 [Rook.]: NO!!!!


2008-12-10 [tia mia]: pouts ... can i be second in command?

2008-12-10 [Rook.]: sure! :D

2008-12-10 [tia mia]: YAY

2008-12-10 [Rook.]: ^^

2008-12-10 [Frost-:-Wing]: *keeps pushing red button* GRR cheap crap I HATE EBAY THEY SAID THE MINDCONTROL DEVICE WOULD WORK!!! WORST 3 BUCKS I'VE EVER SPENT!! >,...,<

2008-12-10 [Rook.]: *giggleS*

2008-12-10 [tia mia]: -takes the little device and throws it in a lake- YOURE DONE

2008-12-10 [Rook.]: ^.^

2008-12-10 [Frost-:-Wing]: O_O *blubbers in corner* owe me 3 bucks...

2008-12-10 [Eyonic]: *smiles and pokes Zedix* you is a crybaby

2008-12-11 [Frost-:-Wing]: *death glare* I IS NOT

2008-12-11 [Rook.]: *giggles* Is so...

2008-12-11 [Eyonic]: *nods* oh yes you is

2008-12-11 [Rook.]: *grins*

2008-12-11 [Frost-:-Wing]: *hands you 100 dollars* No. I'm not.

2008-12-11 [Rook.]: *takes it and sits on it* yes, you are. : :3

2008-12-11 [Frost-:-Wing]: O: You r cheater! >,...,< *pushes you off chair and takes 100 dollars back*

2008-12-11 [Rook.]: *giggles and tuck the real hundered buck further into back pocket*

2008-12-11 [Frost-:-Wing]:   >< Gimmay

2008-12-11 [Rook.]: NIII!

2008-12-18 [Eyonic]: RAWR!!!! *tackles petrus* No touchy my poe!

2008-12-19 [tia mia]: -tackles poe- LIAR SHES MINE

2008-12-19 [Rook.]: *is tackled and dies of a broken neck and WAY to much love*

2008-12-19 [Eyonic]: *cries*

2008-12-19 [Rook.]: *apts abck* don cry...

2008-12-19 [Eyonic]: *sniff sniff* okay...

2008-12-19 [Rook.]: *air hugs*

2008-12-19 [Eyonic]: *air hugs back* I get to drive home soon :/ not fun drive

2008-12-19 [Rook.]: oh noes.... I'll sing car karioke with you....

2008-12-19 [Eyonic]: lol funny. I just seat belt in my computer and use that for goes bye bye in the mountains :(

2008-12-19 [Rook.]: you live int eh mountins??

2008-12-19 [Eyonic]: no, but i have to go over the mountains to go home

2008-12-19 [Rook.]: oooh. eye see. *sniffles*

2008-12-19 [Frost-:-Wing]: mp3 player??

2008-12-19 [Rook.]: *smaks pete*

2008-12-19 [Frost-:-Wing]: Nooooo *blubbers*

2008-12-19 [Eyonic]: i have a little i-pod shuffle...always afraid I'm going to break it :/

2008-12-19 [Rook.]: I has a pink i-pod shuffle...I've drped it, stepped onit, scratched it, chucked it at random siblings when they got too loud...its hasn't brokenyet...

2008-12-19 [Frost-:-Wing]: lol i'm always afraid i'm going to drop mine or something

2008-12-19 [Eyonic]: wow...mine is green....but wow. sounds like my phone :P

2008-12-19 [Frost-:-Wing]: I haven't chucked mine yet, maybe I should do it... Does it quiet them down? *serious*

2008-12-19 [Eyonic]: lol the cell phone sure does

2008-12-19 [Rook.]: *nods* yeah... it dies, actualy...

Lolz Eyo. ^^

2008-12-19 [Eyonic]: lol, my phone makes a good projectile :)

2008-12-19 [Rook.]: lolz. I don have a phone... pencils work wonders...

2008-12-19 [Frost-:-Wing]: I throw my shoes...and anything I can reach, sometimes its hard stuffz and I get in trouble

2008-12-19 [Rook.]: lolz

2008-12-19 [Frost-:-Wing]: major lolz >.>

2008-12-19 [Rook.]: Lp;

2008-12-19 [Eyonic]: well, I is going now. I shall be on laterz

2008-12-19 [Frost-:-Wing]: Byez Eyo

2008-12-19 [Rook.]: *air hugs bye* Ima miss you...

2008-12-19 [Frost-:-Wing]: Avoir un bien jour ! :D

2008-12-19 [Rook.]: Agreed.. byes

2008-12-19 [Frost-:-Wing]: lawl

2008-12-19 [Rook.]: lolz

2008-12-19 [Frost-:-Wing]: nyah

2008-12-19 [Rook.]: *ish bored without Eyos* PETE! POST ON SOEWHERE!!! RP!! DO SEOMTHIGN!!

2008-12-19 [Frost-:-Wing]: :P

2008-12-19 [Rook.]: :P :P :P

2008-12-20 [Eyonic]: lol

2008-12-22 [Rook.]: lolz

2008-12-23 [Eyonic]: dum de dum I ish bored -_-

2008-12-23 [tia mia]: dum de dum we all ish bored

2008-12-23 [Eyonic]: :( well poo. boredum party!

2008-12-23 [Rook.]: YAY!! I Lovers parties

2008-12-24 [Eyonic]: i sometimes do...

2008-12-26 [tia mia]: anywhere i go the party is with me :) cause im that cool

2008-12-28 [Eyonic]: sweetness

2008-12-29 [Rook.]: *rolls eyes* your all air, Tori

2009-01-02 [tia mia]: thats what.... no thats not even funny lol

2009-01-02 [Rook.]: it is.

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